Child Protection matters

 It can be a long road - bringing your children home once Child Protection has become involved - but it is a road we can travel together.

There can be many reasons why Child Protection becomes involved in your life, but usually it means that you are having difficulties.  We believe that you should be treated with respect and that you deserve help to understand and fix the problems in your life.  There are lots of services out there to help you, it is just a matter of finding them and doing the work to stay engaged with them.

We can guide you to services that can help you with drug and/or alcohol abuse, family violence or if your mental health is suffering. If you need, we can help you develop routines for your children to get to bed and school on time, do their homework and stay healthy. We can also talk to you about the stages of child development and different theories of parenting, and introduce you to a financial counsellor if you are having money problems. Together we can work to bring your children home and keep them at home.

We have a good working relationships child protection offices in Victoria and Queensland, and can help you to develop the same - this is an important step to bringing your children home.  The role of Child Protection staff is to protect children. I know that it may not seem like that, when your children have been removed or Child Protection are threatening to remove them, but it is true, it is actually their job to protect children. Therefore, the best way to keep your children with you, or get them returned, is to show Child Protection staff that your children will be safe and healthy with you. We can help you show them that.