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Separation & Divorce

Family Centred Law will help you get divorced.

Strangely, getting a divorce can often be the easiest part of separation - you can apply yourself online (see our Resources page) - but the process of getting divorced does not deal with division of your property or arrangements for your children.  When you receive a Divorce Order it literally just means you are not married anymore. It does not help you to decide where your children live, who keeps the house or how your superannuation is divided. Those issues are much more complicated - please see our Children and/or Property pages for more information.

In many circumstances you will not have to attend Court for the divorce hearing. A Registrar will hear the matter in your absence and you will be able to download a Divorce Order from the Online Court Portal.  If you have children under 18 years and you make an application for divorce without the other parent, then you will need to appear at Court, or a lawyer will need to appear for you. 

 We can assist you to draft and file a divorce application yourself, or we can draft it for you and attend Court on your behalf.  We have different fixed fee pricing options depending on your needs.